Today I walked 30k steps over 20km!

Today I walked 30k steps over 20km and unlocked a fancy new badge on Fitbit. I actually exceeded 25k steps for the first time today, too!

I didn’t do any fancy long walks though, ‘just’ a walk of 15k steps through pretty woods which I’ve discovered recently and walked a few times since then. For the other 15k steps I ran some errands which were fairly standard, but I did do a lot of detours. A lot of detours. A few of those errands may have also been quite pointless, for example going to one shop just for a single avocado which I didn’t need at all.

See, I’ve been needing this achievement as I’ve had a few days where I’ve hit walls. Yesterday’s walk was through the same woods and I hated 95% of it despite the sunshine and the tense audiobook and the deer I saw. I really had to motivate myself to go in the first place and then struggled most of the walk, and felt sore even throughout. The day before I walked 11k steps, but again didn’t feel particularly great about it.

Though, this does ring home how far I’ve come since October when I had 159k steps for the whole month, that time I walked 56km in a week, and of course that time I went up the Klüt hill. I’ve proven myself that I can do greater distances with no problems!

More posts about my walking are here.

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